Yevida Potens шрифт

Лицензия: Платный
Автор: insigne
Языки: Латиница
Пример шрифта Yevida Potens

Информация о шрифте

Мы собрали всю самую важную информацию о шрифте Yevida Potens. Ниже приведена таблица о версии файла шрифта, лицензии, копирайта, имя дизайнера и вендора-продавца. Информация взята с "TTF" файла шрифта.

Имя семейства шрифтов Yevida Potens
Имя шрифта Yevida-Potens
Имя начертания Potens
Идентификатор шрифта JRD: Yevida: 2006
Версия шрифта Version 1.000 2006 initial release
Торговая марка Yevida is a trademark of Jeremy Dooley.
Ссылка дизайнера
Ссылка на продавца(вендора)
Производитель Jeremy Dooley
Лицензия The Font-Software and any updates upgrades, additions or modified versions are the intellectual property of Jeremy Dooley. (DooleyType) You are licensed to use the software on one computer, unless additional licenses are purchased or a multi-license agreement is reached. You are only allowed to transfer or assign the Font-Software to a third party if you do not retain any copies of the Font-Software in whole or in part. Only for the purpose of outputting particular files may you take a copy of the font(s) you have used for such files to a commercial printer or other service bureau. Embedding of the Font-Software into electronic documents or internet pages is only permitted in a secured read-only mode. Licensee must ensure that recipients of electronic documents or internet pages cannot extract the font software from such documents or use the embedded font software for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents. DooleyType is not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of the fonts, such as computer malfunctions, etc. DooleyType is additionally not responsible for idle time, shortfall of production, waste of material and any other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that are caused by our Font-Software. In the event of a problem that the font file(s) does not work, DooleyType would only provide a replacement for the font(s) you ordered. Upon termination of this Font-Software License Agreement, you agree to either return or to destroy and refrain from using the Font-Software, the media, copies and/or any modified or merged portions thereof. You agree to inform your employees or any other person having access to the Font-Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Font-Software License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms and conditions.
Копирайт Copyright (c) 2006 by Jeremy Dooley. All rights reserved.
Описание Copyright (c) 2006 by Jeremy Dooley. All rights reserved.
  • 21.11.2021
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