Информация о шрифте

Мы собрали всю самую важную информацию о шрифте Petrona Regular. Ниже приведена таблица о версии файла шрифта, лицензии, копирайта, имя дизайнера и вендора-продавца. Информация взята с "TTF" файла шрифта.

Имя семейства шрифтов Petrona
Имя шрифта Petrona Regular
Имя начертания Regular
Идентификатор шрифта RingoRomei: Petrona-Regular: 2011
Версия шрифта Version 1.001
Торговая марка Petrona is a trademark of Ringo Romei.
Дизайнер Ringo Romei
Ссылка дизайнера www.huertatipografica.com.ar
Ссылка на продавца(вендора) www.huertatipografica.com.ar
Производитель Ringo Romei
Ссылка на лицензию http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
Лицензия This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
Копирайт Copyright (c) 2011, Huerta Tipografica (www.huertatipografica.com.ar), with Reserved Font Names "Petrona", "Petrona Pro" and "Petrona HT". All rights reserved.
Описание How many characteristics is it possible to add to a font, without changing its text type genre? ÊPetrona is inspired in every home's cook, who playfully maneuvers ingredients and decors with a personal touch, without derailing from the original recipe. This font has been created like in the kitchen, with sharp elements that forge its structure and with gestural strokes for finishing features. Isolated, its glyphs are just ingredients. Caps with heavy asymmetric serifs, and arms of inverted angles, offer a certain flavor. Lower cases with great "x" height, pronounced ascenders and soft curves of low contrast, offer a different flavor. ÊWhen combined in a word, they reveal a contemporary bite. They get lost when mingled in a paragraph, to integrate again into a new menu which is proposed by the text. Petronas' expression evokes a personal culinary stye; its numbers of uniform height include fractions to describe ingredients. This is why connoisseurs recommend it for culinary texts. But taste and creativity are personal, for which every one will apply it according to their own preference.
  • 20.08.2019
  • 30
  • 1

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