Night Light Regular шрифт

Лицензия: Платный
Автор: Rivka Wilkins / Rivka's Renditions
Языки: Латиница

Информация о шрифте

Мы собрали всю самую важную информацию о шрифте Night Light Regular. Ниже приведена таблица о версии файла шрифта, лицензии, копирайта, имя дизайнера и вендора-продавца. Информация взята с "TTF" файла шрифта.

Имя семейства шрифтов Night Light
Имя шрифта Night Light
Имя начертания Regular
Идентификатор шрифта 1.000;UKWN;NightLight-Regular
Версия шрифта Version 1.000
Дизайнер Rivka Wilkins
Производитель Rivka's Renditions
Лицензия END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT By downloading and using this software you accept the terms of the following agreement ("EULA"): This licence is reserved to individuals and doesn't apply to corporate/studio entities. It allows one single person on unlimited cpus to use the font(s) for personal - not commercial uses. This license doesn't apply to broadcast and software embedding uses, and doesn't allow re-distribution in any form. For commercial uses, you have to purchase a commercial license from RivkaÕs Renditions FONT TERMS OF USE All Fonts are Copyright of RivkaÕs Renditions All Rights Reserved Knowledge is power (ignorance to terms is not tolerated): Please read this full TOU before you engage in using any of my digital products. This will protect you as a user by giving you the information you need on how you can use my designs. This agreement will also provide protection to me as a designer and reserve my rights in my future ability to license high quality products to manufactures in many facets of the craft industry, and other industries. TOU modifications: RivkaÕs Renditions retains and reserves the right to modify, update and change the Terms of Use for all digital designs and fonts at anytime with or without notice. It is your responsibility to check for updates and changes to the Terms of Use. Designs and Credits: All of the designs in this file have been created by RivkaÕs Renditions and should be credited as such. TERMS & CONDITIONS UNDER A PERSONAL USERS LICENSE: IMPORTANT: ANY COMMERCIAL USE is NOT ALLOWED under a personal user license purchase. That means you may not use my fonts, digital designs and artwork to make items for resale, or service Òscrap for hireÓ clients. Please purchase a Limited Commercial Use License. Terms of that license are outlined in this document below the personal user license agreement. Definition of Personal User License: You have not purchased the actual fonts, digital designs and artwork in these files; rather you have purchased a license to use the contents of this file for personal use as described in this user agreement. By using these fonts, digital designs and artwork, you have agreed to abide by the terms in this agreement. GENERAL TERMS OF USE/Personal use 1] You may not use this font in digital cutting files including, but not limited to, SVG, DXF and embroidery files. 2] You may not resell this product in whole, or in part or alter or use it to create commercial use items, including crafts created by you for sale on auction sites, craft fairs or boutiques, or any other means to sell. 3] You may not share or redistribute the fonts, digital designs and artwork in whole or in part, even to your friends and family. 4] You may modify my work for your own personal use in order to fit the needs of your craft project, but I donÕt recommend it as results may vary. You may not modify my work as a basis for ANY product to be used commercially, or for monetary gain. 5] You may not use my work, freebies or not, to make another freebie or commercial product. 6] You may not use any of my work for obscene, defamatory or immoral purposes. 7] You may Use portions of these fonts, digital designs and artwork in your cut projects and layouts that will be submitted to publication sites online or submitted to Scrapbooking, craft and/or related magazines that showcases craft products for publication (magazine). If you use one of my designs, fonts or elements in a project for the purpose of craft publication (digital or print), you are required to credit the use of my designs preferably as: RivkaÕs Renditions. (This includes any graphics that you have altered...please credit RivkaÕs Renditions as the originator of your altered design.) I encourage magazine project submissions, and love to hear about your success with my product, so please notify me so I can celebrate your success with you and watch for your project in publication. Online Social Media Publication, and personal blog design: 1] If you use one of my fonts, digital designs and artwork in a project that you share on your own personal blog, or social media site, credit is not required, but is highly appreciated and encouraged. If you do not credit RivkaÕs Renditions in your project posted online, please do not represent yourself as the designer of the fonts, digital designs or artwork that you used to create that project. Altered Graphics: 1] You may alter any RivkaÕs Renditions graphics (for personal use only) with respect to color, size or by adding to or removing from them. 2] You may NOT claim these graphics as your own (altered / recolor graphics as much as the original ones). Forbidden Uses: 1] You may NOT Create from RivkaÕs Renditions files any kind of cut files, templates, quick pages, sketches, textures packs, alpha sets, brushes, clip art, digital embroidery designs and doodles to give or to sell. This is prohibited. 2] You may not redistribute, loan, share my digital fonts, digital designs and artwork in any way. You may not share my digital product files with your family and friends. You purchased an individual user license for your own enjoyment. If they are interested in my fonts, digital designs and artwork, please, direct them to my store link. 3] You may not print out my digital fonts, digital designs and artwork, etc. and sell them in a store or online (such as eBay). Selling my fonts, digital designs and artwork is strictly prohibited. 4] You may not sell your projects created with my designs (please see extended license purchase option for limited commercial use.) 5] You may not give your projects created with my designs in large quantities or donations in the excess of 100. Any recipients of these gifts may not sell the items that my designs appear on. 6] ANY commercial use is prohibited under the terms of a personal user license, please see the extended license option below. Zero Liability: I am not responsible to any person, organization or business for any loss and/or damages incurred from the use of these products. Links: When linking my designs, please do not give the direct download link, rather give the link to my blog or store. Credits: Please give the credits when you use and show my design on your sites. TERMS & CONDITIONS UNDER A COMMERCIAL USERS LICENSE: Commercial Licensing Information is included on the following pages. Currently, Limited commercial Licensing starts at 20.00/font/2 years, and is subject to change. A Separate purchase of a commercial user license is required to add any of these additional terms. If you have not purchased a commercial user license, you do not have rights to these additional terms. Extended License purchase options for LIMITED COMMERCIAL USE Your Etsy receipt number for your commercial license purchase will act as your licensing number. This is also how we keep track of you. This is a LIMITED COMMERCIAL USER LICENSE in order to protect you and myself in regards to the other industries where I license my designs, as some of those licenses are exclusive and may not be overlapped with similar product. If these terms do not work for your commercial use needs, please contact me for the possibility of arranging an individualized commercial license to suit your purposes. Under NO circumstances may you sell the actual digital cutting files, just your items using the file. You may not gift items in large quantities, and the recipient of such gifts may not resell these items. This license does not allow the user to use or manipulate the designs for use in other digital kits for sale. To paraphrase, you must make sure that your customers cannot take my fonts, digital designs and artwork from the items you create. Please keep track of the quantity of your items that you sell. If you reach the next tier, you will need to purchase a license accordingly. Fonts: 2 year use $20 Ð license must be renewed after 2 years Under no circumstance, may you claim to be the designer of the elements used in your item. Forbidden: 1] Do NOT make freebie file downloads with the designs in this file 2] Do NOT use Designs to make other digital products for sale a] You may not use this font in digital cutting files including, but not limited to, SVG, DXF and embroidery files. 3] Do NOT make brushes, shapes, clipart etc from Designs in products for resale 4] DO NOT use for other commercial purposes that are not outlined in this agreement without contacting me first. 5] DO NOT create embroidery designs from my fonts, digital designs and artwork. 6] DO NOT give the fonts, digital designs and artwork, or make them accessible, to any third parties. 7] DO NOT embed the licensed fonts, digital designs and artwork into software or hardware products, in which the purchaser of the product will use the fonts, digital designs and artwork. This includes Apps and games. Allowed: 1] You may use the licensed font, digital design and artwork to create an image on any surface, such as paper, web pages, photographs, print items, and any other surface where the image is a fixed size and is flattened. 2] You may provide the fonts, digital designs and artwork to a graphic designer or printer, only if they agree to use them for your work only, agree to the terms of the license, and keep no copies of the font upon completion of your project. If you are interested in any other use that has not been described in this agreement or if you are interested in commercial licensing in a way that is prohibited in the limited commercial license, please contact me on an individual basis to discuss the proper licensing, or permission. Zero Liability: I am not responsible to any person, organization or business for any loss and/or damages incurred from the use of these products. Links: When linking my designs, please do not give the direct download link, rather give the link to my blog or store. Credits: Please give the credits when you use and show my design on your sites. Questions and Comments: For any question about this TOU or my work please contact me at:
Копирайт Copyright © 2024 by Rivka Wilkins. All rights reserved.
  • 23.08.2024
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