Информация о шрифте

Мы собрали всю самую важную информацию о шрифте Halcyon Brush Regular. Ниже приведена таблица о версии файла шрифта, лицензии, копирайта, имя дизайнера и вендора-продавца. Информация взята с "TTF" файла шрифта.

Имя семейства шрифтов Halcyon Brush
Имя шрифта HalcyonBrush-Regular
Имя начертания Regular
Идентификатор шрифта MelVolkman: Halcyon Brush Regular: 2019
Версия шрифта Version 1.000 | wf-rip DC20190325
Дизайнер Mel Volkman
Ссылка дизайнера www.melvolkman.com
Производитель Mel Volkman
Копирайт © Mel Volkman. All Rights Reserved. You may not modify and/or reproduce any part of this font without written permission from Mel Volkman. Under no circumstances may this licensed Font be sold or given away to any third party. Mel Volkman is the exclusive copyright owner of any and all intellectual property rights in and relating to this Fonts. This includes protection for the glyphs and designs therein as the exclusive property of Mel Volkman. By purchasing a Mel Volkman Font, you acknowledge that the font is protected by the United States Copyright Law, by the copyright and design laws of other nations, and by international treaties. Please be sure to read the Font License Agreement for full terms and conditions.
  • 05.06.2020
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